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Polebridge Books

Jesus and His Kingdom of Equals

$ 50.00 USD

Gospel of Mark

$ 22.00 USD

Family Empires, Roman and Christian Vol 1

$ 27.00 USD

Some Surprises from the Apostle Paul

$ 19.00 USD

Scandalous Jesus

$ 25.00 USD

Honest to Jesus

$ 24.00 USD

Finding a Sense of Place

$ 20.00 USD

Galatians and the Rhetoric of Crisis

$ 26.00 USD

Acts and Christian Beginnings

$ 29.00 USD

Complete Gospels

$ 40.00 USD

Women and the Historical Jesus

$ 22.00 USD

Gospel of Jesus According to the Jesus Seminar

$ 18.00 USD

John the Baptist and Jesus

$ 28.00 USD

Gospel of Luke

$ 25.00 USD

Just Call Me Bob

$ 20.00 USD

Earliest Christian Text

$ 19.00 USD

Dating Acts

$ 47.50 USD

Rescuing Religion

$ 25.00 USD

Q Thomas Reader

$ 22.00 USD

New Gospel Parallels

$ 19.95 USD

Gospel of Thomas and Jesus

$ 20.00 USD

Acts of Peter

$ 20.00 USD

Finding the Historical Jesus

$ 18.00 USD

Profiles of Jesus

$ 20.00 USD