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Westar Series Books

The Prospect of a New Humanity

March 12, 2024

$ 12.50 USD

The Religious History of Abortion

November 7, 2023

$ 24.95 USD

The Doctrine of Addai and the Letters of Jesus and Abgar

November 1, 2023

$ 23.00 USD

What Were the Early Rabbis

June 15, 2023

$ 39.00 USD

Cultural Afterlives of Jesus

June 14, 2023

$ 27.00 USD

Interfaith Afterlives of Jesus

May 16, 2023

$ 29.00 USD

Historical Afterlives of Jesus

January 18, 2023

$ 27.00 USD

Illuminating the Secret Revelation of John

May 5, 2022

$ 25.00 USD

After Jesus Before Christianity

November 2, 2021

$ 29.99 USD

The Apocryphal Gospels

September 15, 2021

$ 20.00 USD

In the Seat of Moses

August 12, 2020

$ 57.00 USD

The Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew and the Nativity of Mary

June 21, 2019

$ 23.00 USD

The Protevangelium of James

June 15, 2019

$ 19.00 USD

Doing Theology in the Age of Trump

September 15, 2018

$ 22.00 USD

Acts of Jesus

June 15, 1998

$ 30.00 USD

Infancy Gospels of James and Thomas

May 25, 1995

$ 17.95 USD

Five Gospels

December 17, 1993

$ 40.00 USD

Wisdom Notes (Kindle Edition)

$ 9.99 USD