Westar Institute

Institutional Affiliation
Charter Member

Deborah Niederer Saxon

Institutional Affiliation

Professor of Religion

Butler University, Indianapolis


Ph.D., Iliff School of Theology – University of Denver M.A., Indiana University B.A., Baylor University


Deborah Niederer Saxon (B.A., Baylor University; M.A., Indiana University; Ph.D., Iliff School of Theology-University of Denver) teaches in the religion department at Butler University in Indianapolis. Her work focuses on gender, understanding the diversity of Christianity, and collaboration among those from the world’s many ethical and spiritual traditions. In 2017, she published The Care of the Self in Early Christian Texts (Palgrave Macmillan), a book arguing that we can understand the history of the early followers of Jesus better by focusing on their spiritual practices rather than their doctrinal disputes. She also serves on the Westar Institute’s Board of Directors. See her most recent blogs and podcast on Early Christian Texts: The Bible and Beyond, ReligionProf and other info on her Linked In profile

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