Westar Institute

Institutional Affiliation
Charter Member

Mary Keller

Institutional Affiliation


PhD. Syracuse University 2002 B.A. Williams College 1987


Mary Keller is a historian of religion who works at the intersection of feminist theory, postcolonial theory, and Indigenous studies theory in order to study the relationship of religious lives to struggles for meaning and power. She teaches Introduction to World Religions, African Spirits in the New World, African American Religious Culture, Gilgamesh to the Bomb to Climate Change, and a field course on Heart Mountain. Keller emphasizes the geographical, historical and social context in which religious lives are embedded and then focuses on questions of personhood within religious traditions. Current research examines the role of sacred land in a world of global capital, money and agency, recent developments in theory and method in the study of spirit possession, and the religious dimensions of climate change.

Academic Appointments

Associate Professional Lecturer of Religious Studies and Adjunct Lecturer of African American and Diaspora Studies, University of Wyoming.

Semester at Sea, The University of Virginia, Spring 2007.

Lecturer, Women and Religion, University of Stirling, Scotland 1997-2002.

Professional Service